
Shell #GoHomeWell

Client: Shell
Creative Team: Rob Lloyd (Art Director) & Kate Craggs (Copywriter)
Creative Director: Graeme Noble
Editor: Thomas Rees - Kaye


Shell needed to reposition Health & Safety around something all staff care about.
The real reason we care about our safety at work is for our loved ones waiting for us back home.
Shell rebranded their whole Health & Safety platform as GO HOME WELL. To make a big splash at the launch of GO HOME WELL at their big annual conference, we proposed an emotional film that would bring this idea to life.


Shell call their garage staff Champions. So we used this language to show that a
Customer Service Champion at work was a different Champion to their loved ones at home.


As well as the hero film, we created more in-depth individual edits that told the Champions story of two halves.


At the annual conference and within stations we got Shell Management, Retailers and Champions to share their reasons for going home well.


Internal Web | Email | Social



2018 Digital Impact Awards
Gold - Best digital employee communication
Gold - Best Corporate Viral Campaign

Brand Film Festival London 2019
Silver - Corporate
Silver - Internal