

ITV Hub CRM proactive spec work

Creative team: Robert Lloyd (Art) & Rosie Mussen (Copy)
Design: Barry Redford | Tom Manning (3D)
Creative Director: Tristan Pride
Strategy: Emmeline Kite


 Idea: Be Part Of It
We use the intimate, 1-to-1 nature of CRM channels to explore and  build upon our audience’s relationships with ITV shows, characters and stars, offering readers an exclusive invitation into the action.

Emails are written by the show’s characters themselves, creating an easy, natural dialogue. They use both copy and photography to invite the reader to get involved. Alongside, push notifications make the most of the channel’s closeness to the reader, to enticingly act like they’re already part of the story.


Idea: Escape to ITV Hub
We position ITV Hub as a ‘discovery destination’.
We play on this by characterising visiting the Hub and all its shows an incredible escape to an amazing location. Filled with excitement and wonder as a result of the plethora of different things to enjoy with people you care about. Much like how holidays are a way to relax, recharge and take some time out from normality, ITV Hub is the ultimate getaway.


Idea: Make 9 Mine
9pm is your time to unwind. Kids are in bed, work is over and you’re free to enjoy some time to do whatever YOU want. With no obligations. Like blocking out time in your calendar, we’ll position 9pm as that ultimate ‘aaaahhhh’ moment, whether you’re chilling out solo or snuggling up with your partner or pals. So much so, that we’ll come up with a whole range of excuses - based on audience type - so you can get out of any plans that might impede on your 9pm.

Idea: Time Well Spent
You get so much from watching ITV Hub.  So this route shows exactly how it’s more than TV. When you invest in watching an hour at 9pm, the content sustains at LEAST a day. Whether that’s through catch-ups with your mates in the group chat, or acting as a lifesaver when it comes to office small talk. So we playfully visualise our viewers’ behaviour after watching ITV Hub to show what comes next.

Idea: Tuck into 9pm
A well-tread topic of small talk, particularly at work, is discussing what you’re having for dinner. Alongside this, we often naturally find ourselves speaking within the food vernacular when we talk about watching TV. Consume, binge, different tastes etc. So we’ve paired these insights to position ITV Hub as a delicious meal time, ready for you to get together and feast on all the rich entertainment we’re serving up.